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Know your client. Screen for risk.
Focus on business success.

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Comply with constant regulatory changes and onboard your clients with ease. Our solutions enable law firms to make informed trust and risk decisions with a fit-for-purpose technology system that will work for you, and your customers.

Legal – Risk and Compliance for Lawyers 

+44 (0)29 2067 8555
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Seamlessly Consolidate Your KYB/KYC Processes

Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Client/Business (KYC/KYB) compliance is a necessity, but it needn’t monopolise your fee earners’ time. You don’t have to compromise between Client Due Diligence (CDD) controls and growing your business. With access to the right technology and risk data, you can onboard new clients with a streamlined, compliant, and cost-effective AML process.

Achieve a unified view of customer risk by bringing together all your customer onboarding and ongoing risk management activities into a single, easily configurable and scalable environment. Creating a frictionless, efficient, and effective KYB/KYC process is an essential foundation for client management.

Our data and technology helps empower our customers globally to navigate the complexity of today’s world so they can see what matters in all aspects of business risk and compliance. Now more than ever the consolidation of all existing tools & resources into one single journey will enable fee earners to focus on paid work whilst complying with ever-changing regulatory requirements and building trusted relationships with clients.

At LexisNexis® Risk Solutions, we have been providing data management, risk analytics and technology solutions to the world’s leading brands for over 50 years, helping them to achieve clarity out of chaos with our in-depth sector expertise.

Download KYB/KYC Process Map
Download KYB/KYC Process Map

Guiding you through your client journeys

With recent regulation updates from the SRA, it is crucial the appropriate Screening, Fraud Prevention, AML and Due Diligence controls and procedures are in place.

We’ve collaborated with our legal partners to develop a comprehensive all -in-one solution designed to streamline and orchestrate your risk management processes. Removing the constant frustration and inefficiencies of using multiple different products in various different environments, we have created a seamless onboarding journey which from start to finish, can be completed all in the same place, easily configurable into your existing systems and accessible through multiple options.

We help clients to achieve clarity out of chaos. Find out how we can help you deploy a fit-for-purpose technology system that will work for you, and your customers

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End-to-end Orchestration Platform:

One syndicated platform to streamline the risk management process for both your customer and internal onboarding and ongoing monitoring journeys.

Fraud Defence & Prevention:

Protect your firm and clients from financial losses through solutions like email risk intelligence and industry-leading fraud detection tools.

Compliance Management:

Reduce financial and reputational risk by staying ahead of evolving regulations set out by the SRA. Our Financial Crime solutions, include KYC, KYB, Enhanced Due Diligence, PEP screening, sanctions and watchlist monitoring.

Identity Verification:

Ensure client and counterparty legitimacy with our market-leading Identity Verification & Authentication solutions.

In the UK, our solutions are deployed across multiple sectors including:

Law firms

7 of the top 10 UK law firms


All 10 of the biggest UK banks


3 of the top 4 accountancy firms

Helping you to know your client – even when they are not present.

LexisNexis® Risk Solutions can help you protect your practice from the threat of financial crime and assist with meeting your regulatory obligations.

Even in a non-face-to-face environment, our market-leading data, technology and analytics solutions will help you to quickly verify and authenticate client identities, and screen for politically exposed persons (PEPs), sanctions and adverse media.

Our solutions are recognised as market leaders by many of the world’s top global analyst firms and are consequently deployed in the UK across multiple sectors including:

Identity Verification & Authentication

Identifying that you are dealing with the right person.

AML Risk Screening

Identify the potential risk associated with the client.

Enhanced Due Diligence

Investigate higher risk entities.

Take the right steps to protect your practice from the threat of financial crime and meet your regulatory obligations today.

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