LexisNexis® Quote Intelligence

Incorporate real-time consumer quote activity information into your quoting, rating and underwriting workflows
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Find out how LexisNexis® Quote Intelligence could help you

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How can Quote Intelligence help your business?

Achieve More

Achieve more informed underwriting

Apply in-depth data and analytics for more sophisticated insurance underwriting and rating processes

grow your business

Grow your business

Make better informed decisions faster by incorporating critical quote information, based on behaviour and quote history, into your workflows
Reduce post-sale operational costs

Reduce post-sale
operational costs

Make use of actionable data earlier in the customer journey to identify potentially fraudulent policies prior to inception
Reduce Named Driver Fraud

Reduce Named
Driver Fraud

Identify unusual connections and potential misrepresentation of individuals before the policy is written

Get a Holistic
View of the Market

Leverage the connections between quotation data at point of quote for more accurate and consistent pricing

Utilise our Expertise
and Resources

Gain insights from a market-wide quote history database, deduplicated quotes, complex attributes calculated in real-time delivered back to multiple platforms, for increased operational efficiency and improved underwriting processes

Quote Intelligence is comprised of three core modules:

Quote Intelligence provides insights over a 90 day period of the customer’s quote shopping journey – covering time frames from the last hour up to the last 90 days – writing to and searching the database in real time at point of quote, so you can be confident in your quotability.



Depicts the relationship on the quotes between the proposer and named drivers, using combinations of address and vehicle registration number, to build a more complete picture of risk of individuals attributed to a single policy.


Recognises potential misrepresentation through changes to declared information for proposers and named drivers between quotes, including possible fronting.


Builds factors that are used to establish the quote lead time as a key indicator of risk and a correlation to claims propensity.
Line Divider

Find out how LexisNexis® Quote Intelligence could help you

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