No Claims Discount (NCD) Module Driving Car

No Claims Discount (NCD) Module for LexisNexis® Policy History Motor

Automate the validation of a consumer's NCD discount to help you improve pricing accuracy and operational efficiency
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What is NCD Module?

The No Claims Discount (NCD) Module is sourced from a contributory database of
consumer policy history to provide automatic access to NCD information at the point of quote.
The NCD Module automates the verification and validation process, allowing access
to credible data, helping to meet consumer demands.

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Gain confidence in your risk assessment – Integrate into existing customer validation workflows for quick and easy verification of an individual’s NCD history


Improve the customer experience – Make it easy for your customer to receive accurately priced quotes and improve their experience through point-of-quote NCD history validation


Reduce costly and labour-intensive manual processes – Reduce the amount of manual NCD checks required through instant verification


Price more accurately and achieve significant operational savings through automatically validating a customers NCD history at point of quote or, if  required,  post-sale


The NCD module is comprised of contributed data from over 95% of the U.K. motor insurance industry


Underwrite the risk that's best suited to your book by gaining access to up-to-date, accurate and reliable NCD data with real-time visibility into an individual's NCD history

If you have had a prior insurance claim, it’s fair to
assume you are a higher insurance risk. Or is it? The
factors that go into understanding insurance risk are
growing, thanks to the emergence of new data insights
which provide a much clearer, three dimensional view of each risk to help price fairly and appropriately.

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Find out how the NCD Module could help you

Yes, I'd Like to Learn More About the No Claims Discount (NCD) Module

Please call +44 (0)800 130 3002 or complete the form and we will be in touch shortly to discuss your requirements.

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