Novuna: Adoption of our risk orchestration platform successfully delivers digital transformation

Watch the Trust:Live keynote session between Lindsay Gustafsson Head of Risk, at Novuna, and Katarina Pranjic, Head of Regulation and Policy at LexisNexis® Risk Solutions.
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Implementing a risk orchestration platform:
Head of Risk at Novuna shares all

In this keynote session filmed at Trust:Live, Lindsay Gustafsson Head of Risk, at Novuna candidly shares why Novuna chose the LexisNexis® Risk Solutions orchestration platform to reduce fraud, comply with AML regulations and drive business savings and efficiencies.

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During the interview Lindsay shares:

  • The key challenges Novuna were facing before implementing an orchestration platform, and how those challenges impacted the workflow and customer journey.
  • What drove the business case to implement the LexisNexis® RiskNarrative® platform.
  • What they learned from implementing an orchestration platform during their initial six-month proof of concept, and how the efficiencies it drove paid for itself.
  • The main challenges of implementing an orchestration platform and overcoming the different architecture nuances in linking it in with existing workflows and suppliers.
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“If you have a zero-fraud appetite and you want zero fraud, then stop lending, because it’s never going to happen. It’s about minimising the amount of fraud and also minimising the friction to the genuine customer”.

Lindsay Gustafsson Head of Risk, at Novuna.

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