Accelerate customer acquisition with advanced fraud analytics

Confidently defend against existing and emerging fraud trends, without adding friction to valuable customer relationships.
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Fraud Analytics

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Prioritise seamless transactions and prevent more fraud with fraud detection analytics

Five-star customer experiences start with an efficient customer acquisition workflow. To maximise revenue, you need to confidently complete identity verification and quickly book new business. To mitigate revenue losses, you need to effectively deflect complex fraud attempts without disrupting trusted transactions.

Can you efficiently capitalise on customer growth opportunities while capturing more fraud? LexisNexis® Risk Solutions delivers more inclusive and holistic fraud detection analytics solutions that support a risk-responsive identity proofing and fraud prevention workflow.

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Our solutions can help you...

Accelerate customer acquisition

Streamline positive identification and application approval

Automate critical onboarding decisions

Detect and block complex fraud threats

Minimise false positive delays

Mitigate revenue loss

Differentiate trusted customers from true fraud across all channels with a 360-degree view of identity

Consumers are increasingly engaging with organisations through multiple channels, using multiple payment methods and devices. To fully maximise valuable omni-commerce revenue streams, organisations need a complete view of identity to quickly differentiate between legitimate customers and fraud attempts. Our fraud analytics tools incorporate and distill the relevant components of physical, digital, device, biometric and behavioural identity intelligence to deliver a multi-faceted 360-degree view of identity.

Keep trusted transactions in motion and effectively capture more fraud

Solve specific fraud challenges and save time and money by tailoring our risk and fraud analytics solutions to your unique risk thresholds and transaction paradigms.

Precisely identify multiple fraud types, including synthetic identities, bot-attacks, new account fraud and account takeover fraud, and better inform authentication decisions with our sophisticated machine learning modeling technology that intuitively analyses subtle fraud signals to quickly isolate risk.

Our solutions are relied upon and trusted...

Enhance fraud protection whilst providing seamless experiences

Spot suspicious behaviour as the transaction occurs and make well-informed trust and identity decisions, without adding unnecessary friction for genuine customers.
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LexisNexis® Risk Solutions Cybercrime report

Read our latest Cybercrime Report to understand the current cybercrime landscape, trends and transaction activities.
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See how our fraud analytics solutions support confident decisions across the customer lifecycle

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