Optimise your fraud investigations

Accelerate critical decisions and improve customer experiences with tailored research tools and expansive consumer intelligence.
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Fraud Investigations and Manual Review

+44 (0)29 2067 8555
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Maximise customer acquisition speed with more efficient investigations

The efficiency and accuracy of fraud reviews and investigations impacts bottom-line revenues and your ability to build lasting customer relationships. Miss a chance to detect and prevent fraud and you’ve opened your business to damaging losses. Mistakenly delay a trusted transaction, and you’ve prevented the opportunity to capitalise on a valuable customer interaction — possibly for good.

Can you keep fraud reviews and investigations in efficient motion and effectively mitigate fraud threats without marginalising the customer experience?

Our fraud investigation solutions combine comprehensive, current consumer and business information with advanced analytics and industry-proven linking capabilities to distill disparate data into actionable intelligence. This fuels faster, more well-informed decisions across critical fraud and identity management workflows. We connect your business to smarter, easy-to-interpret transaction fraud detection tools that can be utilised at the frontline call center level or within more extensive investigations to speed decision-making and support outcomes that protect against fraud and preserve customer experiences.

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Optimise fraud investigation and prevention outcomes with intuitive, user-friendly fraud detection tools that enable your business to:

Increase research and investigation speed

Reduce handling time and quickly resolve customer/agent interactions

Improve customer acquisition rates and simplify account management

Minimise manual reviews and false positive delays

Decrease fraud investigation costs

Strengthen customer experiences and control friction

Improve fraud research efficiency with purpose-built usability

Our transaction fraud detection tools support easier day-to-day fraud and identity management workflows and eliminate delays between searches to simplify manual reviews and streamline fraud investigations. Optimise and organise fraud research and investigations with features that help:

  • Support streamlined investigations
  • Identify and prioritise reviews of high-risk subjects
  • Illustrate results in easy-to-interpret reports
  • Provide actionable insights at a greater performance rate vs. manual processing
  • Document and store research results for future review or audit

Efficiently combat every type of fraud across every transaction channel

Our fraud prevention and investigation tools arm your business with relevant investigative intelligence to target various types of fraud across every stage of the customer journey.

Our fraud investigation solutions easily facilitate multiple investigations in parallel. This helps you preserve research continuity to enable your business to quickly identify and investigate multiple types of fraud across multiple customer access points: digital, mobile, via phone, in-person and more.

We connect expansive, up-to-date consumer and business information into more usable decision-making insights to help your business quickly identify and deflect fraud threats ranging from account creation fraud, application fraud and mobile app registration attacks to account takeover fraud, corporate fraud and payment fraud risks.

Our solutions are relied upon and trusted...

Enhance fraud protection whilst providing seamless experiences

Spot suspicious behaviour as the transaction occurs and make well-informed trust and identity decisions, without adding unnecessary friction for genuine customers.
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See how we can help you to establish trust with genuine customers

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Accelerate the answers you need to protect against fraud and prioritise customer acquisition

Your fraud review and investigations workflows need to be efficient enough to add value to key customer acquisition and account management workflows and effective enough to proactively prevent varying networked fraud attempts.

Our fraud prevention and investigation solutions seamlessly connect your business to comprehensive risk intelligence, advanced analytics and intuitive decisioning tools so you can quickly answer identity questions and confidently resolve fraud reviews.

Support topline growth and deliver bottom-line savings with intelligent transaction fraud detection tools designed to streamline day-to-day workflows and optimise fraud review and investigation outcomes.

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See how our solutions can help solve your fraud investigation challenges

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